What to Know About Shaw Luxury Vinyl Plank Flooring?

Shaw luxury vinyl plank flooring is not a typical kind of flooring alternative. However, it should be the standard flooring as it has amazing qualities that will force you to think about your existing flooring.

Shaw luxury vinyl plank flooring resembles feels and looks like natural wood flooring. Shaw flooring is 100% waterproof and also maintains the realistic look of hardwood flooring. This flooring is a perfect choice for mudrooms, kitchens, baths, and basements, or you can use it in any moisture-prone area. Cost is another appealing advantage. Shaw luxury vinyl plank flooring has lower maintenance and installation costs than hardwood flooring. A wide range of shapes and sizes attracts many business owners and landlords.

Can We use Shaw Luxury Flooring In Homes?

Of course, you can use it. Shaw luxury flooring provides better versatility than other floorings. They are ideal for both commercial and residential locations. Use it in your homes without having a second thought. Along with the top-notch quality, these floorings are affordable. In fact, selecting shaw luxury vinyl plank flooring will offer the best choice for your home if you have small children and pets. Using it in a particular room or laying it down in the entire house will increase the lavishness without any doubt. Adding the flooring in your house will add grace and value to your prevailing appearance and quality.

What is So Appealing about Shaw Flooring?

The construction method of Shaw luxury vinyl plank flooring is the biggest reason that makes it more durable and high quality. There are three layers in this flooring. The first layer has high-definition textures inspired by the hardwood flooring, which is then glued on another layer, also called a backing layer. The last one is the topmost clear layer to protect the textures of the vinyl plank flooring. All the layers make the Shaw flooring highly durable and long-lasting. The topmost layer contains 3D painting to give a realistic look, and the other two layers make the flooring provide the best experience.

Is Shaw Luxury Vinyl Plank Flooring the Right Alternative to Tile Flooring?

The fact behind the popularity of shaw flooring is that they are the most-liked and a great alternative to tile flooring. With the advent of Shaw luxury vinyl plank flooring in the industry, its prominence and use continue to grow in commercial places. The reasons are their appealing looks, low price, durability, waterproof nature, low maintenance, anti-microbial, etc. After knowing the benefits of using shaw luxury flooring, many homeowners start using it in their homes and other places as well. If the popularity of this flooring continues to increase, it can easily dominate the flooring industry.


How Shaw Luxury Vinyl Plank Flooring is Better than Traditional ones?

Below are some common advantages of Shaw luxury vinyl plank flooring that make them much better than the conventional flooring options.

     The biggest advantage of Shaw luxury flooring is affordability. The price range of the flooring according to its benefits is very low.

     Another advantage is durability which is the most important aspect of every flooring. In Shaw luxury vinyl plank flooring, you will get the highest material quality, making it super durable to install anywhere.

     The material used in flooring is extremely robust, making it resistant to scuffs and scratches. Not only this, but the flooring is water-resistant as well.

     The flooring is available in numerous colors and designs to fit your interior’s appearance properly.


Flooring is essential to every residential or commercial place, but choosing the right flooring is more important. Shaw luxury vinyl plank flooring is one of the top options of flooring to use for a better experience. Additionally, this flooring is packed with some amazing benefits making them the perfect choice instead of using traditional flooring. It can easily add appeal to your home, even being anti-microbial for safe use. The durability of this flooring allows it to maintain its beauty for years to come.


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